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🌄"Haiku; Drip, Drop and a Splash!"

I once saw a waterfall;

Gushing through the rocks,

A sensation of shock,

the golden, gleaming glow,

the fast and furious flow,

the roaring, splashing sounds,

the crashes through the grounds,

Its tremulous force,

shows no remorse,

sweeps away all,

that treacherous fall,

that glamorous gleam,

that obscured seam,

the tranquil sounds,

the eerie sounds,

Its poised grace,

Its Nature's pace.

~N.L Ain

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1 Kommentar

15. Mai 2020

Beautiful as always. Reader has to stop and ponder over each and every word to taste their true depth. Your imagination is deep and mature. Keep writing “You are what you write” ❤️

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